Module 4: Opportunities
Learning Objectives
In this module you will learn the following:
Where to find offers for a position(s) a manager has extended to you and their status.
How to view the position(s) you have expressed interest in by placing a bid.
How to view positions you are eligible to submit a bid on.
1. My Offers
In this section you will find offers for positions a manager has extended to you after bidding has closed and the status of each offer.
Once bidding is closed the highest qualifying bid will receive an “extended” offer, and the bidder will have a chance to accept or reject the position. Lower qualifying bids will, initially, receive “conditional” or “queued” offers for which the bidder can indicate continued interest. Meaning, if the higher qualifying bid rejects the position, you could still be given an offer. This process is covered more in depth in Module 6.

2. My Bids
In this section you are able to view positions you have recently placed a bid on. A bid is an indication of your interest in taking a new position.
For positions within your same unit, there is a 24-hour window in which bidding is open. During the bidding period, you can submit a bid on the open position.
When you submit a bid, your bid is ranked against other bids for the same position. Once bidding is closed for that position you may receive an offer for the position, which you are free to reject. This process in covered more in depth in the next module.

3. Active Postings
In this section you are able to view open positions you are eligible to bid on. This includes one-day bid opportunities for positions within your unit. They are filtered based on your job classification and your unit, so you will not see opportunities for which you are not eligible to bid.