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Module 8: Transferring Positions

Learning Objectives

In this module you will learn the following:

  1. What is Transfer Management

  2. Where to find your position transfer history

  3. How to view details about specific transfers

  4. How to suggest a new transfer date for your active transfer

  5. Frequently asked questions about Transfer Management

1. What is Transfer Management

Once you are awarded a position through a posting, Transfer Management allows you, your current manager, and your future manager to come to an agreement on your transfer date into your new position. 

2. Position transfer history

You will find your full position transfer history on the Opportunities page in PositionControl.


The transfer statuses are as follows:

  • Negotiating: The transfer negotiation is in progress

  • Extended: The transfer negotiation window has been extended

  • Manager review: A transfer date could not be settled on, and your managers are making a final decision

  • Settled: The transfer date has been settled, and you will move into your new position on the set date

  • Transferred: The transfer is complete, and you have transferred into your new position

  • Cancelled: Your transfer has been cancelled, and you will remain in your original position


Clicking on a row will take you to that transfer's details page.


3. Transfer details

The transfer details page gives you a breakdown of the transfer status, allows you to negotiate your transfer date, and provides a way to interact with your managers if you are invited to a group chat.​​

Transfer status​

The transfer status card at the top of the page allows you to see at a glance what stage the transfer is in currently.


  1. Transfer initiated: The transfer initiates at the time of you being awarded a position through a posting

  2. Negotiating: The negotiation window is open for 2 business days

    • If no new date is suggested, the transfer is settled at the end of the negotiation window​

    • If a new date is suggested, the negotiation window is extended by 1 additional business day

  3. Manager review: If no agreement could be made, your managers have 3 business days to move forward with the original transfer date set in the posting, choose a different date, or cancel the transfer

  4. Done: The transfer has either settled or has been cancelled

Transfer dates list

This is where you can find the currently suggested transfer date and any previously declined dates.​


  • Transfer date (light blue card): this is the original transfer date set in the posting

  • Declined transfer date (pink card): these are dates that have been declined by one of the negotiation participants. They are hidden by default, and can be viewed by clicking the "View all" toggle at the top of the card

  • Suggested transfer date (yellow card): this is the currently suggested transfer date

  • Settled transfer date (green card): this is the finalized transfer date that has been settled on


See below for how to approve or decline a suggested date, and how to add your own. 

Group chat​

Your managers can initiate a conversation with you, which will display a chat box on your transfer details page. This allows you to conveniently communicate with the negotiation party to discuss what works best for you.


Any management personnel who has permissions to your current position or your scheduled position can view and submit messages. This includes SOMs, Directors, and facility managers.​​

4. Suggest a new transfer date

While your transfer is in the negotiation stage, you and your managers can suggest new transfer dates.

Suggest a new date

Simply click the “Suggest new date” button to pick the date. Note, if there is currently a suggested date, submitting your own suggestion will decline the active one.

Cancel your own suggestion

If the currently active suggested date is your own, you can click the “Cancel date suggestion” button to decline the suggested date.

Decline a suggested date

If one of the negotiation participants declines a suggested date, it will be archived.

Accept a suggested date
If all 3 negotiation participants accepts a suggested date, this will be the settled transfer date. Note, that you cannot withdraw your acceptance.

5. FAQ

Why can’t I see the chat box?

The chat box will only be available if one of your managers has initiated a conversation with you. You will receive a notification to your preferred communication method if a chat is initiated.


Can I cancel a date I have suggested?

Yes, if the currently suggested transfer date is your own suggestion, you will see a “Cancel date suggestion” button. Clicking this will decline the transfer date.


What happens if no one suggests a date?

If the 2 business day negotiation window concludes without any date being suggested, the transfer will settle with the original transfer date set in the posting.


What happens if no agreement can be met?

If the full extended negotiation window concludes and all suggested dates have been declined, your managers will have 3 business days to decide how to move forward with the transfer. They can decide to use the original transfer date set in the posting, chose a different date, or cancel the transfer.


Why was my transfer date changed or cancelled after my transfer has been settled?

Your managers can take action on your transfer even after your transfer date has been settled, up until your actual transfer date. This means your transfer date might be updated, or your transfer might be cancelled. You will receive a notification to your preferred communication method if either action is taken.

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